Testing for the Pharmaceutical Industry

From Clean Rooms to Stability and Temperature testing, think Weiss Technik

Testing the integrity of pharmaceuticals and packaging in a range of environmental test conditions is a precise science. That’s why all the major pharmaceutical manufacturers specify Weiss Technik environmental and climatic test solutions. From stability testing at the development stage; testing the durability of packaging under tensile stress and sterile filling of packaging. Plus, we can provide Clean Rooms to optimise germ-free production conditions and safety workbenches to protect personnel and products.


Scroll down to see the full range of Pharmaceutical test systems available.

Pharma 250-L and Pharma 500-L Photostability Test Cabinets For The Pharmaceutical Industry

Walk-In Stability Test Chamber For The Pharmaceutical Industry

S!MPATI® Pharma Software

Climatic Test Chambers With Eco-Friendly Refrigerants, Type ClimeEvent

Temperature Test Chambers, Type TempEvent

LabEvent Benchtop Temperature Test Chambers For Laboratory & Product Testing

Laboratory Test Chambers, Type LabEvent

Climatic Walk-in Chambers & Rooms, Type ClimeEvent

Assembly Test Chambers, Type LabEvent

Stability Test Chambers, Type Pharma

Dryers and industrial ovens for flammable solvents EN 1539, HeatEvent F

Hot Air Sterilisers SteriEvent ISO 5 and SteriEvent ISO 7

Explosion-Proof Heating and Drying Ovens, VTUW

Explosion-Proof Fresh Air Drying Cabinet VFT with ATEX Type Examination

Industrial Conveyor Ovens for Continuous Processing

VHM Hephaistos Industrial Microwave Chamber For Aerospace Engineering

Industrial Ovens/ Drying Ovens for Flammable Material, VTL

Industrial Ovens/ Heating and Drying Ovens, VTU

Heating and Drying Ovens for Clean Rooms, VTF

Compounding laboratories Vindur® Turnkey

Vindur® Turnkey Cleanroom Solutions For Blister Packaging Machines

Vindur® Turnkey Solutions For Pharmacies and Laboratories

Vindur® Compact Universal Application Hospital Air-Conditioning Units

Vindur® CoolW@ll Cool Wall System For Data Centres

WIBObarrier® Clean Air Curtain For The Pharmaceutical Industry

WIBOjekt® Biological Safety Cabinets

WIBO® Lifting Devices

WIBO® Isolator System For The Pharmaceutical Industry

HFCevo Biological Safety Cabinet For Laboratories

Microbiological Safety Workbench KTB-NS II

WIBOclean® Clean Room Air Showers For The Pharmaceutical Industry

BDK® Laminar Air Flow Ventilation Systems