Welcome to Weiss Technik UK 

We are the world market leader for environmental simulation systems and leading in heat technology, climate technology and pharmaceutical systems.

Growth Chambers & Walk In Rooms for Plants or Insects

Create a controlled environment for scientific research and development

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The ClimeEvent now also with climate-friendly refrigerant CO2 (R744).

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Environmental Test Chambers

Standard and bespoke test chamber and walk-in room solutions that supports industry sectors such as Pharmaceutical, Aerospace, Automotive, Life Science, Battery Testing and many more!

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Visit Our New Virtual Showroom

A guided tour from the comfort of your own desk!

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S!MPATI® Software Programming

Smart. Proven. Compatible.
Strong performance, well engineered.

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Discover our new service initiatives and maintenance contract levels

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Space Simulation Test Chambers

Reproduce the environmental conditions of space for accurate testing

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Growth Chambers & Walk In Rooms for Plants or Insects

Create a controlled environment for scientific research and development

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